Https for ricksum API

Proxy endpoint for ricksum API with SSL certificate.

When you need to use https for some reason. Use link below.

Documentation on Sep 10, 2017


So our API apparently uses JSON and shit. Which I don't know anything about, I'm not even a developer! The other guy who made it is, but he's not the kind of guy who writes documentations.

He also thinks I'm slacking off and make him to all the work. Which is definitely not the case. So i guess this one is on me.

Bla bla. So how do I use it?

Just do a fucking GET request on You can add extra parameters to specify the output you're gonna get. But seriously tho, you can only use like two different parameters for now:

  • paragraphs
  • quotes

For some reason you can also use words as a substitute word for quotes. But it still returns quotes and not single words… Fuck logic.


Down below (duh) we're listing a few JSON returns of different url parameters.

    "Pluto's a planet."


    "The fucking amish bitch shot me! Nice, Puffy vagina. My name is Slip- Slippery Stair. I'll take ya down there for 25 shmeckels!"

    "We don't whitewash it either, Morty. I mean, the pirates are really rapey. Rikitikitavi, bitch!",
    "Slow down! A price for everything.",
    "Yea and I made the stars that became the carbon in your mothers ovaries! What the fuck is going on?!"

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